How to fill and service a ZEVx Gear Reducer

The ZEVx gear reducer takes DEX 6 as a fluid.

There are 2 ways in which the gear reducer can be filled, either on the bench (pre-installation) or installed into the vehicle.

It is preferable to fill the gear reducer when it is installed due to the drive shaft is installed and will not flow out through the rear tail housing.

What you will need: Hand pump, Dex 6 transmission fluid, 3/4 long & stubby wrench, 21mm wrench and and 18mm wrench.

PPE is always important, so make sure proper safety precautions are adhered to.

The process is the same regardless if its on the bench or installed. The fill plug is on the driver side rear of the gear reducer as shown.

If on the bench, use a 21mm wrench (or 18mm if its the new design) to remove the fill plug

Using a hand pump, fill gear reducer with Dex6 until it is slightly below the fill hole.

If installed in a vehicle, use a 3/4 wrench to remove the line. A stubby may be needed if space is limited.

Be VERY care not to lose the washer on the end of the removed line as seen below.

When it is filled, reverse above procedure.

To service the unit, remove the bottom hose to drain out the fluid - use the same size wrench